9 Benefits of Harnessing Your Child's Emotional and Behavioural Strengths

Harnessing your child's strengths will help them thrive. They will be able to use them in positive and productive ways.  The behavioral and emotional strengths of a child are strongly linked to positive mental health.

A child’s strengths can be categorised into 3 different areas...

A child’s strengths can be categorised into 3 different areas...

Personal (behavioural and emotional) e.g. kindness, creativity, organisation.

Personal (behavioural and emotional) e.g. kindness, creativity, organisation.

Social skills and communication e.g. good listener, socially aware.

Social skills and communication e.g. good listener, socially aware.

Literacy, logic and cognitive skills e.g. problem-solving, wide vocabulary.

Literacy, logic and cognitive skills e.g. problem-solving, wide vocabulary.

1. Identifying these skills helps young children do well at school and build confidence throughout childhood.

2. It helps children and young people feel good about themselves.

3. Influences how well they cope with social interactions in public, at home and in friendship groups. For example, behaving in a caring, empathetic way reinforces human connection.

4. If your child is able to manage emotions and is good at self-regulating, they are more likely to avoid stress, and its potential consequential health problems.

5. Strong communication skills will help your child navigate times of conflict (e.g. with siblings, friends, parents).  Your child is more likely to form strong relationships and feel happy and accomplished.

6. Resilience will build self- trust in being able to withstand adversity and tackle difficult life events.

7. Confidence in their own character strengths will enable greater independence. Your child will be able to trust in themselves and their decisions.

8. Self-knowledge of our own strengths promotes self-confidence and self-acceptance...

9. ...and lessens the influences of negative peer pressure.